Neo4j Slide Types

Michael HungerHead of Developer Relations Neo TechnologyMichael Hunger

Michael Hunger

Head of Developer Relations

Michael Hunger

@mesirii |


Spring Data Neo4j

The world is a graph

The advantage of not using an aggregate structure in the database is that it allows you to slice and dice your data different ways for different audiences.

Martin Fowler

Query Title Here

MATCH (h1:Hashtag)-[:TAGS]->(TWEET)<-[:TAGS]-(h2:Hashtag)
WHERE = {hashtag}
RETURN AS from, AS to, COUNT(*) AS value
## id      u.username  mentions
##  1   hadleywickham        43
##  2        RLangTip         6
##  3  nicolemargaret         6
##  4        hrbrmstr         6
##  5       megcevans         5